
f100: Andrea Diefenbach and Birney Imes

© Andrea Diefenbach, Olga, Carolina, Sabrina, from the series "Country without parents"

fototazo asked a group of 50 curators, gallery owners, blog writers, photographers, academics and others actively engaged in photography to pick two photographers that deserve (more) recognition - the underknown, the under-respected as well as not-appreciated-enough favorites. A little more information on the project is available in the first post in the series here.

Today we end the series with a 50th and final response from Anya Jasbar.

The series also includes responses from Nicholas NixonMatt JohnstonBlake AndrewsJohn Edwin MasonAline SmithsonColin PantallMichael WernerLiza FetissovaLaurence Salzmann, Bryan Formhals, Richard Mosse, Shane Lavalette, Amy Stein, Amani Willett, Wayne FordS. Billie MandleLeslie K. BrownGordon StettiniusMarc Feustel, Hin ChuaAdriana Rios MonsalveDaniel AugschoellLarissa LeclairElinor Carucci, Pieter Wisse, Daniel EchevarríaNatalie MinikQiana MestrichJason Landry, Rona Chang, Stella Kramer, Joanne LukitshYumi Goto, Gwen Lafage, Heidi Romano, Julie Grahame, Stefano Bianchi, Steve BissonCharles Guice, Ulf Fågelhammar, Tamas Dezso, Oliver SchneiderJulia Schiller, Lars Boering, John Matkowsky, Greater Middle East PhotoAdriana TeresaLuca Desienna, and Paul Weinberg.

RespondentAnya Jasbar is a photographer based in Berlin. She is the co-founder and co-editor of Ahorn Magazine, an online publication about contemporary photography. Dedicated to highlighting the work of emerging photographers, Ahorn is also an important platform for original content, presenting interviews, essays, book reviews and more. Anya Jasbar's photographs have been published in several publications and her work was recently exhibited in Berlin and Rome.

Selections: Andrea Diefenbach and Birney Imes

Andrea Diefenbach is a talented German photographer. Her recent work "Country without parents" is a powerful series developed between Moldova and Italy. I really love her ability to be connected with her subjects. Although facing difficult issues, she tells her stories with an intense and honest eye.

© Birney Imes, Monkey's Place, Merigold, 1989, from the series "Juke Joint"

A couple of months ago I found Birney Imes’s book Partial to Home. It was a big discovery for me. Partial to Home, Juke Joint, and Whispering Pine are his major projects. They are so rich in their elements that I was immediately curious to deepen my knowledge of his work, but unfortunately there are not many references about him.