© Mariceu Erthal |
fototazo has asked a group of 50 curators, gallery owners, blog writers, photographers, academics and others actively engaged with Latin American photography to pick two photographers whose work deserves recognition.
This project aims to highlight great work being made in the region today and also to provide a starting point in both English and Spanish for exploring contemporary Latin American photography. LatAm f100 is a collaboration between fototazo and the photographer and educator
Jaime Permuth.
Today we continue the series with selections by
Gael Almeida. Her biography follows her selections as well as a list of previous contributors to the series.
fototazo ha invitado a un grupo de 50 curadores, galeristas, escritores, fotógrafos, y académicos - entre otros individuos seriamente comprometidos con la fotografía latinoamericana - a escoger cada quién dos fotógrafos cuya obra sea merecedora de mayor reconocimiento.
Este proyecto es una manera de celebrar el gran trabajo que se lleva a cabo en la región. Asimismo, busca proporcionar un punto de partida bilingüe en inglés y en español a las audiencias que deseen explorar la fotografía contemporánea en Latinoamérica. LatAm f100 es una colaboración entre fototazo y el fotógrafo y educador Jaime Permuth.
Hoy continuamos la serie con selecciones aportadas por Gael Almeida. Encontrará su biografía al final del texto, así como una lista de colaboradores anteriores de la serie.
al final del texto, así como una lista de colaboradores anteriores de la serie.
Mariceu Erthal
Mariceu's work is intimate. In a continuous process of reflection, Mariceu manages to find in the other a mirror that allows her to discover and build herself as an artist. Mariceu achieves what few do and that is to show in her images a constant look inside at that which is governed by starts and pauses; joys and hardships; doubts and truths.
El trabajo de Mariceu es intimista. En un proceso continuo de reflexión, Mariceu logra encontrar en el otro un espejo que le permite irse descubriendo y construyéndose como artista. Mariceu logra lo que pocos y es mostrar en sus imágenes una mirada constante hacia adentro. Aquella que se rige por sobresaltos y descansos; por alegrías y penurias; por dudas y verdades.
© Mariceu Erthal |
© Mariceu Erthal |
© Mariceu Erthal |
© Mariceu Erthal |
© Mariceu Erthal |
© Mariceu Erthal |
© Mariceu Erthal |
© Mariceu Erthal |
© Mariceu Erthal |
Víctor Zea
Víctor's work is made of light and shadows that expose human fragility. It is also the search to reveal the invisible, the ethereal. It is the illusion to find the treasure at the end of the prism, a trip through the rainbow that shows us the different nuances of which we and our environment are made.
El trabajo de Víctor son luces y sombras que exponen la fragilidad humana. También es la búsqueda por evidenciar lo invisible, lo etéreo. Es la ilusión por encontrar el tesoro al final del prisma. Un viaje por el arcoíris que nos muestra los distintos matices de los que estamos hechos nosotros y nuestro entorno.
From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea |
 From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
 From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
From the series "K'uychi" © Víctor Zea
Gael Almeida has a degree in Political Science from the Universidad Iberoamericana and did her postgraduate degree in Conservation Biology. She has more than 20 years of experience working in nature conservation, developing financing strategies for projects, coordinating collective impact initiatives and working with interdisciplinary groups. She has worked with governments, academic institutions and civil society organizations.
In 2017 Gael joined the National Geographic Society as Regional Director for Latin America. Part of her job is to support researchers, educators and photographers who are National Geographic Explorers, as well as to look for ways to generate greater impact and dissemination of the work they do.
This series also includes responses from
Molly Roberts,
Mariela Sancari,
Alonso Castillo,
Paccarik Orue,
Katrin Eismann,
Dina Mitrani,
Don Gregorio Anton,
Cristina De Middel, Arturo Soto,
Cecilia Fajardo-Hill,
Guillermo Srodek-Hart,
Yorgos Efthymiadis,
Livia Animas,
Juanita Bermúdez,
Susana Raab, the pairing of
Victoria Holguín and Daniella Benedetti,
Emiliano Valdés,
Muriel Hasbun,
George Slade,
Marta Dahó,
Elizabeth Avedon,
Jorge Piccini,
Rodrigo Orrantia,
Sujong Song,
Nelson Herrera Ysla,
Oliva María Rubio,
Jonathan Blaustein,
Patricia Martin,
José Luis Cuevas,
Zully Sotelo,
Alfredo De Stefano Farías,
Gonzalo Golpe,
Julián Barón,
James Rodríguez,
Misha Vallejo,
Musuk Nolte,
Cintia Durán,
Alasdair Foster,
Eder Chiodetto,
Erik van der Weijde,
Stella Johnson,
Efrem Zelony-Mindell,
Joana Toro,
Jon F. Espitia,
Sofia Ayarzagoitia,
Isadora Romero,
Álvaro Laiz and
Charlotte Schmitz.
La serie también incluye contribuciones de Molly Roberts, Mariela Sancari, Alonso Castillo, Paccarik Orue, Katrin Eismann, Dina Mitrani, Don Gregorio Anton, Cristina De Middel, Arturo Soto, Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Guillermo Srodek-Hart, Yorgos Efthymiadis, Livia Animas, Juanita Bermúdez, Susana Raab, el dúo de Victoria Holguín and Daniella Benedetti, Emiliano Valdés, Muriel Hasbun, George Slade, Marta Dahó, Elizabeth Avedon, Jorge Piccini, Rodrigo Orrantia, Sujong Song y Nelson Herrera Ysla, Oliva María Rubio, Jonathan Blaustein, Patricia Martin, José Luis Cuevas, Zully Sotelo,
Alfredo De Stefano Farías, Gonzalo Golpe, Julián Barón, James Rodríguez, Musuk Nolte, Cintia Durán, Alasdair Foster, Eder Chiodetto, Erik van der Weijde, Stella Johnson, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, Joana Toro, Jon F. Espitia, Sofia Ayarzagoitia, Isadora Romero, Álvaro Laiz y Charlotte Schmitz.